About The Program 

The Research, Assessment, and Evaluation concentration of the Ph.D. in Education offers training in advanced educational research methodologies and applied experiences across a variety of educational systems and contexts.

Faculty and students in our program engage across a range of research areas, including social network analysis, machine learning, multilevel modeling, structural equation modeling, mentoring in higher education, STEM education, program evaluation, educational assessment, critical quantitative methodologies, QuantCrit, and queer studies in education.

Students in the program also have numerous applied opportunities to work with schools and other educational organizations, write grants, perform program evaluations, present at conferences, and publish their work. 

Career Paths

Our graduates work in a range of careers including faculty, educational assessment, program evaluation, and non-profit positions.

At a Glance

Degree Earned 

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

Credits: 60

VCU Bulletin: Overview

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For Summer or Fall Start: Apply by January 15

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Program Modality


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Estimated Completion Time

Full-time (9-15 credits): average completion in 3-4 years

Part-time (1-8 credits): average completion in 4-5 years

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We are open to admitting students with a wide range of content area and methodological expertise, and are particularly seeking students with interest in any of the following topics and methodologies: social network analysis, machine learning, multilevel modeling, structural equation modeling, program evaluation, educational assessment, critical quantitative methodologies, QuantCrit, mixed and multi-method research, research-practice partnerships, mentoring in higher education, STEM education, queer studies in education, work-based learning, and mental health education and processes.

The VCU Bulletin is the official source for academic course and program information.