Michael Broda, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Foundations of Education

- Ph.D. in educational policy, Michigan State University
- Ph.D. in curriculum, instruction, and teacher education, Michigan State University
- B.A. in history, The College of Wooster
Research interests
Experimental and quasi-experimental design, multilevel modeling, longitudinal data analysis, social network analysis
Recent publications/projects
- Gnilka, P.B., & Broda, M. (2019). Perfectionism, depression, and anxiety: Test of a social support mediation model. Personality and Individual Differences 139. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2018.11.031
- Broda, M., Ekholm, E.*, Schneider, B., & Hutton, A.* (2018). Teachers' social networks, college-going practices, and the diffusion of a school-based reform initiative. SAGE Open (October-December), 1-17. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/2158244018817397
- Broda, M., Tucker, S., Ekholm, E.*, Johnson, T., & Liang, Q.* (2018, Online First). Small fingers, big data: Preschoolers’ subitizing speed and accuracy during interactions with multi-touch technology. Journal of Educational Research. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00220671.2018.1486281
- Broda, M., Yun, J., Schneider, B., Yeager, D.S., Walton, G.W., & Diemer, M. (2018). Reducing inequality in academic success for incoming college students: A randomized trial of growth mindset and belonging interventions. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness. DOI: 10.1080/19345747.2018.1429037
- Broda, M. (2016). Using multilevel models to explore predictors of high school students’ nonresponse in experience sampling method (ESM) studies. Social Science Computer Review 35(6), 733 - 750. https://doi.org/10.1177/0894439316667049
Dr. Michael Broda teaches courses in educational statistics and advanced quantitative research methods. As a former elementary and middle school teacher, he is particularly interested in how to use advanced quantitative research approaches to inform practical challenges faced by schools, teachers and students.
Recently, this has included using social network analysis to better understand social interaction and resource sharing among high school teachers, using multilevel modeling to examine preschool students’ interaction with multi-touch technology, and using intensive longitudinal data analysis and modeling to better understand how students’ classroom engagement changes over the course of the day. Dr. Broda also has a strong interest in the design and implementation of randomized interventions in school settings.
(804) 827-2629