Donte Sharpe, M.Ed.
Academic Advisor, Office of Student Success

- M.Ed. in Student Affairs, Regent University
- B.S. in Technical & Scientific Communications, James Madison University
Donté Sharpe, a native of Richmond, Virginia, holds a Bachelor of Science in Technical & Scientific Communications from James Madison University. As a first-generation student, Sharpe is eager to engage with students in higher education and to help them succeed during their time at VCU and beyond. He joined VCU in 2013, where he served over 400 student organizations in the Division of Student Affairs. During his years of service, he has served students with campus engagement through signature programming such as the Student Organizations & Volunteer Opportunities (SOVO) Fair, as well as offered facilitation through leadership programs such as ACUI I-LEAD Connect and NACA Huge Leadership Weekend. He has also contributed to the ACUI Student Organization Institute. Sharpe was elected to the Staff Senate in fall 2021, where he works to advocate for staff members at VCU.