Emily Hodge, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Leadership

- Ph.D. in Educational Theory and Policy, Pennsylvania State University
- M.T. in Secondary Education, University of Virginia
- M.A. in English Language and Literature, University of Virginia
- B.A. in English Language and Literature, With Distinction, University of Virginia
Research interests
Curriculum policy; media and education politics; policy networks and social network analysis; instructional leadership; equity-focused organizational change
Career highlights
- Co-Editor, American Journal of Education
- Early Career Award, AERA Division L (Education Policy and Politics), 2022
- Fellow, National Education Policy Center, University of Colorado at Boulder
Funded projects
- Hodge, E. (PI), Ferrare, J., & Finnigan, K. (2019–2022). New applications of social network analysis to education policy: Building the capacity of the field. Spencer Foundation Conference Grant, $50,000.
- Hodge, E. (PI), Benko, S., & Salloum, S. (2017–2019). Supporting Common Core implementation in English/language arts: Investigating the resource selection and dissemination strategies of state coordinators. Spencer Foundation Small Research Grant, $49,999.
Recent publications
- Hodge, E., Salloum, S., & Benko, S. (2024). How state educational agency coordinators navigate logics of local control in standards implementation. Educational Policy, 38(2), 391–420. https://doi.org/10.1177/08959048231153595
- Hodge, E., Rosenberg, J., & López, F. (2023). “We don’t teach critical race theory here”: A sentiment analysis of K–12 school and district social media statements. Peabody Journal of Education, 98(5), 533–547. https://doi.org/10.1080/0161956X.2023.2261318.
- Hodge, E., & Stosich, E. (2022). Accountability, alignment, and coherence: How educators made sense of complex policy environments in the Common Core era. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 44(4), 543–566. https://doi.org/10.3102/01623737221079650
- Hodge, E., López, F., & Rosenberg, J. (2022). How to respond to community concerns about critical race theory. Kappan: The Professional Journal for Educators, 104(3), 48–53. https://kappanonline.org/community-concerns-crthodge-lope-rosenberg/
Dr. Hodge’s research aims to understand many facets of curriculum policy and politics, as well as how organizations, including K–12 schools, can support multiracial democracies. Recent projects have explored how educational leaders can navigate potentially contentious issues with their school communities; the role of media and social media in the education policy process; and how educational systems, schools, and teachers negotiate tensions between standardization and differentiation. Hodge’s research appears in the American Educational Research Journal, Educational Evaluation & Policy Analysis, Educational Policy, the Review of Research in Education, and Teachers College Record, among other outlets. Hodge has taught a variety of graduate courses on education policy and instructional leadership. She is from Caroline County, VA and is a former middle school English language arts teacher.
(804) 828-1797