Genevieve Siegel-Hawley, Ph.D.
Professor, Educational Leadership

- Ph.D. in urban schooling, University of California - Los Angeles
- M.A. in education policy and management, Harvard University
- M.A.T. in secondary social studies, Johns Hopkins University
- B.A. in history/sociology, University of Virginia
Research interests
Race, education and inequality in American schools; the social, economic, legal and political contexts surrounding metropolitan schools; scope and dynamics of metropolitan segregation; policies and practices that nurture intentional integration; relationship between school and housing segregation
Career highlights
- Received the Charles P. Ruch Award for Teaching Excellence, VCU School of Education, 2021
- Received the VCU School of Education Outstanding Community Engagement Award in 2021
- Received the VCU School of Education Distinguished Scholarship Award in 2019
- Research Fellow, National Education Policy Center, UC Boulder
- Research advisory board member, National Coalition on School Diversity
- Research associate, UCLA Civil Rights Project, 2008-2012
Recent projects
- Castro, A., Siegel-Hawley, G. (co-PI) & Bridges, K. (2020). School rezoning and educational inequality: Narratives, processes and outcomes. WT Grant Foundation, $49,972.
- Frankenberg, E., Debray, E., McDermott, K, Siegel-Hawley, G. (Co-PI) & Scott, J. (2018). Race-conscious educational policies in the post Obama era: Separation of powers, federalism and civil society. Spencer Foundation, $50,000
Recent publications
- Siegel-Hawley, G., Taylor, K., Frankenberg, E., Bridges, K., Castro, A., Williams, S. & Haden, S. (2020-2021). School segregation in Virginia report series. Penn State Center for Education and Civil Rights/VCU School of Education.
- Siegel-Hawley, G. (2020). A Single Garment: Creating Intentionally Diverse Schools that Benefit All Children. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.
- Ayscue, J. & Siegel-Hawley, G. (2019). Magnets and School Turnarounds: Revisiting Policies for Promoting Equitable, Diverse Schools. Educational Policy Analysis Archives.
- Taylor, K., Frankenberg, E. & Siegel-Hawley, G. (2019). Racial Segregation in the Southern Schools, School Districts, and Counties where Districts Have Seceded. AERA Open.
- Siegel-Hawley, G., Diem., S. & Frankenberg, E. (2018). The Disintegration of Memphis-Shelby County, Tennessee: School District Secession and Local Control in the 21st Century. American Educational Research Journal.
Dr. Genevieve Siegel-Hawley’s research examines the scope and dynamics of school segregation and resegregation in U.S. metropolitan areas, along with policies for promoting intentionally integrated schools and communities. Siegel-Hawley has published numerous articles dealing with these topics in journals like Teachers College Record, the Harvard Educational Review, Educational Researcher and the Urban Review. She is also the author of two books, When the Fences Come Down: 21st Century Lessons from Metropolitan School Desegregation (UNC Press, 2016) and A Single Garment: Creating Intentionally Diverse Schools that Benefit All Children (Harvard Education Press, 2020). Siegel-Hawley teaches courses examining how and why equal educational opportunity is distributed so unequally across urban, suburban and exurban districts. She is a native of Richmond and a proud graduate of and former teacher in Richmond Public Schools.
(804) 828-1940