Hillary Parkhouse, Ph.D.
Associate professor, Teaching and Learning

- Ph.D. in education, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- M.S. in teaching English as a second language, City College of the City University of New York
- B.A. in English, University of Georgia
- B.S. in psychology, University of Georgia
Research interests
Critical pedagogy, urban schooling, youth activism, citizenship education, social justice education, secondary teacher education, global education
Recent publications/projects
- Parkhouse, H., Bennett, E., Pandey, T., Lee, K., & Johnson Wilson, J. (2022). Culturally Relevant Education as a Professional Responsibility. Educational Researcher. Online first, April 22, 2022. https://doi.org/10.3102/0013189X221092390
- Tichnor-Wagner, A., Bennett, E., Parkhouse, H., & Schcolnik, A. (2022). Towards a Cohesive Union? Currents and Cleavages in State Civic Education Policy Discourses. American Journal of Education, 128(4), 647-676.
- Parkhouse, H., Gorlewski, J., Senechal, J., and Lu, C. Y. (2021). Ripple Effects: How Teacher Action Research on Culturally Relevant Education Can Promote Systemic Change. Action in Teacher Education, 43(4), 411-429. https://doi.org/10.1080/01626620.2021.1896395
- Parkhouse, H., Massaro, V. R., Cuba, M., Waters, C. (2020). Teachers’ efforts to support undocumented students within unclear policy contexts. Harvard Educational Review 90(4), 525-549.
- Parkhouse, H. (2020). Patriotism as critique: Youth responses to the teaching of injustice in U.S. History class. Citizenship Teaching and Learning, 15(3), 297-322.
- Parkhouse, H. & Arnold, B. (2019). “We’re Rags to Riches”: Critical consciousness of the American Dream in two culturally diverse history classrooms. Teachers College Record, 121(9), 1-40.
- (Book) Tichnor-Wagner, A., Parkhouse, H., Glazier, & J., Cain M. (2019). Becoming a Globally Competent Teacher. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
- Parkhouse, H., Lu, C.Y., & Massaro, V.R. (2019). Multicultural Education Professional Development: A Review of the Literature. Review of Educational Research, 89(3), 416-458. https://doi.org/10.3102/0034654319840359
Dr. Parkhouse’s research focuses on critical citizenship education and how teacher education can support teachers’ use of culturally sustaining, empowering, and socio-politically conscious practices. She also studies immigration and education and teaching for global awareness. These research interests stem from her experiences teaching high school social studies, English as a Second Language, and literature in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic and the Washington Heights neighborhood of New York City.
She currently teaches methods for teaching multilingual learners, curriculum development, and teacher education and professional development.
(804) 827-2667