Kurt Stemhagen, Ph.D.
Professor, Foundations of Education

Research interests
- The intersections of philosophy of education, mathematics education and ethics
- The school-society relationship and the role of social foundations of education in teacher preparation
- Social justice
- Teacher empowerment
- Doctoral courses on the nature of doctoral studies/philosophical introduction to the research endeavor and the Philosophy of Education
- Master’s level ethics/issues course for pre- and in-service educators
Kurt Stemhagen’s Ph.D. is in Social Foundations of Education with a concentration in Philosophy of Education. He teaches doctoral courses on the nature of doctoral studies/philosophical introduction to the research endeavor and the Philosophy of Education as well as a master’s level ethics/issues course for pre- and in-service educators. He has published over 25 refereed articles, numerous book chapters and reviews and delivered more than 40 refereed papers at international and national meetings. His research interests include: philosophy of mathematics education—particularly the possibilities for democratic, socially just mathematics education; teacher beliefs about the purposes of public schooling; the role of theory in educational research; John Dewey and American Pragmatism; and Lewis Mumford studies.
Dr. Stemhagen currently serves as national Executive Director for the Philosophy of Education Society. He is past president and yearbook editor of the South Atlantic Philosophy of Education and he also served on the executive board of the John Dewey Society. Locally, Dr. Stemhagen is a founding member and currently serves on the coordinating committee of Richmond Teachers for Social Justice, a group dedicated to creating a just, democratic, sustainable and caring society through education, solidarity and social action.
(804) 827-8415