Lisa Abrams, Ph.D.
Professor, Dept. of Foundations of Education

- Ph.D. in educational research, measurement and evaluation, Boston College
- M.Ed. in secondary education, The George Washington University
- B.A. in government and foreign affairs, University of Virginia
Recent publications/projects
- META Researchers and Practitioners in Partnership to Enhance Data Use Practice to Improve Learning (IES award #R305H150088) — This research effort involves a partnership among VCU, Chesterfield County Public Schools, Hanover County Public Schools, Henrico County Public Schools, and Richmond City Public Schools to understand how teachers and school administrators use data to guide instructional decisions and practice in ways that support learning.
- Project CRESST (NIH Science Education Partnership Award #R25 OD010984-05): This teacher development project is designed to enhance clinical research education for science students and teachers (CRESST) through a summer teacher professional development program that models the use of inquiry-based curriculum resources to support the instruction of research skills and content in the classroom.
(804) 827-2627