Xun Liu, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor of Research, Assessment and Evaluation, Foundations of Education

- Ph.D. in Educational Psychology, Texas Tech University
- M.Ed. in Educational Psychology, Texas Tech University
- M.A. in Applied Linguistics, Texas Tech University
- B.A. in English Language and Literature, Beijing Normal University
- B.A. (double major) in Chinese Language and Literature, Beijing Normal University
Research interests
Quantitative research methods and statistics (longitudinal modeling, structural equation modeling, multilevel modeling, etc.), marriage and family studies, educational motivation
Career highlights
- Texas Tech University Doctoral Dissertation Completion Fellowship (2014-2015)
- Texas Tech University AT&T Chancellor’s Fellowship (2011-2015)
Selected publications/projects
- Li, J. & Liu, X. (2021). Internet Addiction and Acculturative Stress Among International College Students in the United States (2021). Journal of International Students, 11(2). doi: 10.32674/jis.v11i2.2092
- Liu, X., Wheeler, J. N., Broda, D. M., Daire, P. A., Dominguez, N. V., Griffith, M. S., & Case Pease, J. (2020). Relationship Satisfaction Trajectories among Low-income Ethnically Minority Couples Before and After a Relationship Education Intervention. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 37(7), 2053–2077. doi: 10.1177/0265407520916203
- Carlson, R., Wheeler, J. N., & Liu, X., Daire, A.P., & HIPP, C. (2020). The Relationship Between Social Support and Family Relationships Among Low-Income Couples Attending Relationship Education. Family Process, 59(4), 1498-1516. doi:10.1111/famp.12499
- McKee, S., Liu, X., Truong, D., Meinert, A., Daire, A., & Mire, S. (2020). Use of the Family Adjustment Measure to Identify Stress in Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 29(2), 592-604. doi:10.1007/s10826-019-01569-4
- Wheeler, N. J., Daire, A. P., Liu, X., Tucker, K., Griffith, S. M., & Regal, R. (2020). Correlational study of differences in distress following relationship education for individuals with or without illness. Counseling Outcome Research and Evaluation, 11(2), 88-103. doi:10.1080/21501378.2019.1663703
- Daire, A., Liu, X., Tucker, K., Williams, B., Broyles, A., & Wheeler, N. (2019). Positively Impacting Maternal Stress and Parental Adjustment through Community-Based Relationship Education (RE). Marriage & Family Review, 55(3), 239-257. doi:10.1080/01494929.2018.1458687
- Daire, A., Liu, X., Wheeler, N., Tucker, K., & Williams, B. (2017). Examining RE and Emotional Distress in Population with Existing Cardiovascular Disease and/or Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors and Those Without. The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, 25(4), 291-300
- Liu, X., Daire, A., Griffith, S., O’Hare, V., Keller-Margulis, M., & Tucker, K. (2017). Validity and diagnostic accuracy of a measure of family adjustment stress in parents with typically developing children. Journal of Child Custody, 14(2), 175-190
Dr. Xun Liu teaches courses in educational statistics and quantitative research methods. She has a strong interest in using advanced quantitative research approaches to inform practical implementation to schools, teachers and students.
Dr. Liu has been performing advanced data analysis, including longitudinal modeling, structural equation modeling, and multilevel modeling in her research. Her research area focuses on quantitative research methodology, marriage and family studies, and educational motivation. Dr. Liu is also a statistical consultant for the Consortium for Family Strengthening Research, providing statistics consultation to faculty and graduate students for publications and grant applications.
(804) 827-6847