Office of Faculty Development - Supporting Faculty to Thrive
The Office of Faculty Development (OFD) in the School of Education exists to foster the well-being and success of its faculty throughout their careers by providing resources that support personal, professional, and team growth. OFD leads and facilitates:
- Faculty recruitment and retention
- New faculty orientation
- Faculty third year review policies, procedures, and processes
- Faculty promotion and tenure policies, procedures, and processes
- Faculty annual evaluation and workload policies, procedures, and processes
- General faculty policies and procedures
- Faculty research leave
- Faculty service assignments
- Faculty Commonwealth, Endowed and Distinguished Professorships
- SOE and VCU faculty awards
- Faculty search workshops
- Promotion and tenure workshops
- Mentoring program (one-on-one and small group)
- Professional development
- Leadership development and coaching
- Individual/team development and coaching
- Lego Serious Play for teams
- Assessments that support faculty and team development (i.e. MBTI, CPI260, EQI2.0/360, FIRO, Clifton Strengths)
- Coaching through challenges, for career development/advancement
- Department chair/associate dean development
The SOE Office of Faculty Development works closely with the VCU Office of Faculty Affairs to maximize resources and opportunities.
SOE Quick Links
- SOE Policies and Procedures
- SOE Faculty Workload Policy - Section Three
- SOE Annual Faculty Evaluation - Section Four
- SOE Faculty Research Leave Policy - Section Five
- SOE Promotion and Tenure Policy - Section Six
- SOE Third Year Review Policy - Section Seven
VCU Faculty Affairs Quick Links
- VCU Faculty Affairs
- VCU Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence
- VCU Online
- VCU Counseling Services