Our RAMily grows stronger every year

For more than 60 years, we’ve been preparing future teachers, counselors and leaders. Today, our alums are driving positive changes from classrooms to policy venues - and everything in-between. Your UNCommon impact starts here in the heart of Virginia and extends across the country and around the globe.

Whether you earned your diploma last year or many decades earlier, you’re important members of our RAMily - and we’re excited by how you stay connected. You return to campus as guest lecturers and adjunct professors, mentor current students, and broaden learning experiences by creating internships and other real-world opportunities at every degree level. We even count several of you as faculty members.

Let’s keep the conversation going

  1. Say a good word about VCU Education and help recruit new students here.
  2. Volunteer to help the School of Education - let us know your interests.
  3. Share your feedback - we want to know.
  4. Attend VCU Education events; you’ll find there’s something for each of you.
  5. Support scholarships, endowment funds and research for the next generation of VCU-educated leaders. 

Download the VCU Alumni app to stay in touch at your fingertips.

Giving back to keep our school moving forward

Your gift is an investment in people — our students, faculty and the community we serve today and in the future. Consider sharing what you feel is a meaningful gift, and we promise we will use your generosity in meaningful ways … and we will share that impact with you.

There’s a system and a group of people in place at VCU that I feel I can trust. I know that my gift will be distributed quickly and go to those that need it most.

How can you support your school?