CAEP Accountability Measures
CAEP has defined a set of annual reporting measures which allow Education Preparation Providers (EPPs) to provide information to the public on both program outcome and program impact and to demonstrate continuous improvement. Annually, VCU EPP publicly displays data pertaining to each of the Annual Reporting Measures. Data reflect the VCU EPP Initial and Advanced Licensure Programs reviewed by CAEP (and formerly NCATE in 2014). To learn about these programs and their approval and accreditation, please click the button below.
Data must address: (a) completer impact in contributing to P-12 student-learning growth AND (b) completer effectiveness in applying professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions.
Annual principal evaluation of VCU completers on Virginia Performance Standards 1-7
Virginia public school teachers receive an annual principal evaluation on Virginia Teaching Performance Standards. Virginia public school teachers receive an annual principal evaluation on Virginia Teaching Performance Standards. Virginia Performance Standards 1-6 provide measures of teaching effectiveness using a four-point scale of Exemplary, Proficient, Developing/Needs Improvement, Unacceptable, where a rating of "Proficient" is the expected level of performance. Virginia Performance Standard 7 (i.e., The work of the teacher results in acceptable, measurable, and appropriate student academic progress.) provides a measure of impact using a four-point scale of Exemplary, Proficient, Developing/Needs Improvement, Unacceptable, where a rating of "Proficient" is the expected level of performance. Teachers in all licensure areas and grade levels establish student learning goals with their principal each year and monitor learning as measured using division, state, or national measures. As such, these data capture evidence for all licensure programs and are not limited to core subject areas.
Three school divisions in the greater Richmond Metropolitan area provide Virginia Performance Standards 1-7 data to VCU on recent completers employed in their division.
Learn more on the Virginia Department of Education website:
Data provided should be collected on employers' satisfaction with program completers.
Initial Licensure Employer Survey
Virginia Commonwealth University participates in the Virginia Education Assessment Collaborative Employer Survey for Initial Licensure programs. The Virginia Education Assessment Collaborative utilizes a common, standardized survey of program completers and their employers using the language and concepts of the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Uniform Performance Standards. Educator Preparation Programs in the Commonwealth of Virginia surveying program completers and their employers each year seeking to improve their programs and meet requirements of the Virginia Department of Education and the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation. By standardizing survey recruitment, timelines, and process, VEAC hopes to reduce the complexity of surveys that principals and administrators complete each year to support EPPs. By benchmarking with the other VEAC participants, EPPs can better understand their strengths and areas for improvement. Additionally, VEAC provides a common language and prompts discussion for program improvement.
Advanced Employer Survey
Virginia Commonwealth University participates in the Virginia Education Assessment Collaborative Employer Survey for Advanced Licensure programs. The Virginia Education Assessment Collaborative utilizes a common, standardized survey of program completers and their employers using the language and concepts of the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Uniform Performance Standards for each advanced program. Educator Preparation Programs in the Commonwealth of Virginia surveying program completers and their employers each year seeking to improve their programs and meet requirements of the Virginia Department of Education and the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation. By standardizing survey recruitment, timelines, and process, VEAC hopes to reduce the complexity of surveys that principals and administrators complete each year to support EPPs. By benchmarking with the other VEAC participants, EPPs can better understand their strengths and areas for improvement. Additionally, VEAC provides a common language and prompts discussion for program improvement.
Virginia Commonwealth University administers a unique Employer Survey form for the School Counseling advanced program. Supervisors are invited, annually, to evaluate those VCU school counseling advanced program completers employed in the profession for which they were prepared. Survey items align to the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Education Professions (CACREP) standards as well as with CAEP Standard RA.4.
Data provided should relate to measures the EPP is using to determine if candidates are meeting program expectations and ready to be recommended for licensure. (E.g.: EPP's Title II report, data that reflect the ability of EPP candidates to meet licensing and state requirements or other measures the EPP uses to determine candidate competency at completion.)
Licensure Rate for Initial and Advanced Programs
The Virginia Department of Education Biennial Report Accountability Measure #1 includes the number of program completers and the number of program exiters for the current biennial period. Accountability Measure #1 also indicates pass rates for each required licensure examination.
By federal law, all colleges and universities offering teacher education programs must annually report on a set of uniform data, including program requirements, admissions and completion data, and assessment pass rates. On the Title II website linked below, requirements and data can be viewed by state and by provider.
Data provided may come from various sources, including state or EPP collected data related to completers' employment in teaching positions for which they were prepared.
Data on VCU Initial and Advanced programs completer employment within Virginia Public Schools (Employment Rate)
Using source data from the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) Teacher Licensure Application and Annual Instructional Personnel (IPAL) Data Collection, the VDOE shares employment data with education preparation providers. Specifically, these data detail employment placement information for those Initial and Advanced VCU program completers employed in a Virginia public school at the time of reporting.