Positioning you to make your mark as a doctoral student

The American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) Holmes Scholars Program supports enrolled doctoral students who are pursuing careers in education at AACTE member institutions, including VCU.  

As a Holmes Scholar building out your doctoral student research portfolio, you’ll have access to resources and professional development. For example, our VCU students attend the AACTE Annual Meeting to engage in discussion, share research and practices, and become better equipped to drive change in educator preparation. 

Interested doctoral students apply to the program and are selected based on an active research agenda and excellent academic standing in their doctoral program.

For more information, contact us at holmesscholar@vcu.edu or find us on RamsConnect.  



The mission of the Holmes Scholars® Program is to create a professoriate and education leadership pipeline that is representative of the diverse student body in America’s schools, and to elevate and empower graduate students whose academic interests prioritize ensuring fairness, belonging, and equal opportunity in education for all.

Theory of Change
To achieve its mission, the Holmes Program provides mentorship, peer support, and professional development opportunities to graduate students from Colleges and Schools of Education to enrich their scholarly experience. The program supports individuals whose scholarship aligns with the program’s mission.