Meera R. Mehtaji, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Counseling and Special Education

Meera R. Mehtaji, Ph.D.


  • Ph.D. in special education and disability policy, Virginia Commonwealth University
  • M.Ed. in special education with a concentration in general education, Virginia Commonwealth University
  • M.Ed. in special education with a concentration in learning disabilities, S.N.D.T University
  • B.A. in English, Mumbai University

Research interests

  • Peer victimization of students with disabilities
  • Classroom social dynamics and its implication of teaching practice

Areas of special interest

  • Program Development &Teacher licensure for Teacher Preparation Program
  • Instructional Design and Online Learning & Designing accessible materials and digital access
  • Universal Design for Learning
  • Educational Policy
  • Educational Assessment
  • Interdisciplinary practice and collaborative teamwork, linking technical assistance and training to child outcomes; innovative instructional strategies for children and youth with developmental disabilities
  • Classroom Social Dynamics and its implication of teaching practice

Recent Publications/Projects

Farmer,T., Daws, M., Hamm, J.V., Mehtaji. M, Hoffman, A.S., Brooks, D.S., & Huneke, M. (2017) Classroom Social Dynamics Management: Why the Invisible Hand of the Teacher Matters for Special Education. Remedial and Special Education. doi: 10.1177/0741932517718359

Dawes, M., Chen, C. C., Zumbrunn, S. K., Mehtaji, M., Farmer, T. W., & Hamm, J. V. (2016). Teacher attunement to peer‐nominated aggressors. Aggressive Behavior, 43, 263-272. doi: 10.1002/ab.21686

Farmer, T. W., Chen, C. C., Hamm, J. V., Moats, M. M., Mehtaji, M., Lee, D. L., Huneke, M. R. (2016). Supporting teachers’ management of middle school social dynamics: The scouting report process. Intervention in School and Clinic, 52, 67-76. doi: 10.1177/1053451216636073

Farmer, T., Wike, T. L., Alexander, Q. R., Rodkin, P. C., & Mehtaji, M. (2015). Students with disabilities and involvement in peer victimization theory, research, and considerations for the future. Remedial and Special Education, 36, 263-274. doi: 10.1177/0741932515572911

Chen, C. C., Hamm, J. V., Farmer, T. W., Lambert, K., & Mehtaji, M. (2015). Exceptionality and peer victimization involvement in late childhood subtypes, stability, and social marginalization. Remedial and Special Education, 36, 312-324. doi: 10.1177/0741932515579242


Dr. Meera Mehtaji is an associate professor in VCU School of Education’s Department of Counseling and Special Education. She is a professor, teacher, and passionate special educator. Her work focuses on training and preparing special education teachers to work with children and families with disabilities. Her teaching practice incorporates universal design and technology to make classrooms inclusive for students with disabilities. Dr. Mehtaji has experience working and managing state and federal-funded programs that focus on personnel preparation and interdisciplinary training.

Curriculum Vitae

(804) 827-2624