Ira Padhye, Ph.D.
Director of the Center of Sensory Disabilities, Partnership for People with Disabilities

- Ph.D. in Special Education, Virginia Commonwealth University
- M.Ed. in Extensive Support Needs (concentration in deafblindness), Boston College
- B.S. in Biology, University of Massachusetts Boston
Research interests
Professional development and training for classroom special education teachers and paraprofessionals; teacher preparation and retention
Dr. Padhye is the Director of the Center of Sensory Disabilities and the Project Director of the Virginia Deafblind Project, at the Partnership for People with Disabilities. She has a background in working with students with significant support needs, including those with a combined vision and hearing loss. As part of the Deafblind Project, she works with educational teams throughout the state and supports educators develop the necessary skills to support students who are deafblind better access their education.