About The Program
Make history come to life and establish it as the foundation of social and civic engagement and understanding, because educating future citizens is critical to the success of our communities and civil society. You'll be asked to think deeply about your own understanding of history, social movements and how to ensure diverse voices are heard in teaching history and social studies. The program, which culminates with practical in-classroom experience, builds on your undergraduate program in history, political science or African American studies.
Career Paths
- History Teacher (Middle or High School)
- Social Studies Teacher (Middle or High School)
- Curriculum Developer (specializing in history/social studies)
- Educational Consultant (specializing in history/social studies)
- Instructional Coordinator
- Museum Educator
- Historical Researcher
- Textbook Author/Editor
- Academic Coach
- Education Program Director
- Educational Policy Analyst
- Historical Site Interpreter
- Online History Instructor
- Education Program Specialist
- Social Studies Department Chair
- Teacher Trainer (focusing on history/social studies)
- Non-profit Education Coordinator
- Government Education Specialist
- Archivist or Records Manager
At a Glance
Degree Earned
Master of Teaching (M.T.)
Credits: 33

Application Semesters and Deadlines
Fall and Summer: February 1
Spring: October 1

Program Modality

Estimated Completion Time
Full-time (9-15 credits): average completion in 3 semesters
Part-time (1-8 credits): average completion in 5 semesters
*Note: Student Teaching for secondary teachers is Spring only

Add your education training on top of an undergraduate degree in history, political science, or African American Studies.
Admission requirements
Degree: | Semester(s) of entry: | Deadline dates: | Test requirements: |
M.T. | Fall | Feb 1 | |
Spring | Oct 1 | ||
Summer | Feb 1 |
In addition to the general admission requirements of the VCU Graduate School, the following requirements represent the minimum acceptable standards for admission:
- Bachelor’s degree with a major, or equivalent, in history, political science or related area
- Three letters of recommendation addressing the student’s potential for graduate study in education
- Statement of intent
- Transcripts of all previous college work
Additionally, there are several tests that students must pass for admission to teacher preparation, admission to student teaching and licensure in Virginia. Students should consult the Teacher Preparation page on the School of Education website for current testing requirements. Admission to clinical experiences in schools requires a background check and fingerprinting.
Please visit the School of Education website for further information.
Degree requirements
In addition to general VCU Graduate School graduation requirements, students are required to complete course work in core and elective courses.
- Credit hour requirements: Students are required to complete a minimum of 33-34 credit hours depending on concentration.
- Grade requirements: Receipt of a grade of C or below in two courses constitutes automatic dismissal from the program. Courses with a grade below C cannot be used to satisfy degree requirements.
- Student teaching requirements: Students must successfully complete approved student teaching experience. Note: Students must complete all undergraduate courses before student teaching.
- Additional testing requirement: Students must pass Praxis II, where applicable, for licensure.
Curriculum requirements
Undergraduate courses
Course | Title | Hours |
Qualifying courses | ||
EDUS 301 EDUS 301. Human Development and Learning. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. A study of human development through the life span with special emphasis on child and adolescent psychology, the nature of learning and basic concepts of learning theories. | Human Development and Learning | 3 |
Students seeking a Master of Teaching with a concentration in history/social studies should major in history, political science or a related field. History majors will need nine credits of political science, six credits of geography/urban studies and three credits of economics. Political science majors will need 12 credits of history, six credits of geography/urban studies and three credits of economics. | ||
Admission to teacher preparation is a prerequisite for the following courses: | ||
TEDU 311 TEDU 311. Middle School Practicum. 2 Hours.
Semester course; 2 lecture hours. 2 credits. Corequisite: TEDU 537. Restricted to students admitted to the Extended Teacher Preparation Program. A field placement that precedes student teaching/internship. Includes planned observations, tutorials and small-group involvement. Graded pass/fail. | Middle School Practicum (secondary; must be taken concurrently with TEDU 537 TEDU 537. Inclusive Curriculum in Secondary Schools. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. Studies the background and objectives of the contemporary secondary school; basic issues, current trends and practices in curriculum construction and instructional planning are examined with an emphasis on the inclusion of students with different abilities and disabilities. | 2 |
TEDU 312 TEDU 312. High School Practicum. 1 Hour.
Semester course; 1 lecture hour. 1 credit. Pre- or corequisite: TEDU 311; corequisite: TEDU 540, 545, 547 or 548. Restricted to students admitted to the M.T. program with concentrations in secondary education. A field placement that precedes student teaching/internship. Includes planned observations, tutorials and small-group involvement. Course graded as pass/fail. | High School Practicum (history/social studies; must be taken concurrently with TEDU 547 TEDU 547. Teaching Secondary School Social Studies. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. Examines demands involved in secondary social studies instruction; preparatory approaches to using academic and professional insights in confronting the demands; formulating and implementing appropriate methodological approaches. | 1 |
TEDU 510 TEDU 510. Instructional Technology in PK-12 Environments. 2 Hours.
Semester course; 2 lecture hours (delivered online). 2 credits. Prerequisite: EDUS 301, PSYC 301 or PSYC 304 with a minimum grade of C. An introduction to effectively integrating technology into pK-12 instruction to improve student learning outcomes. Students will have hands-on experiences with a variety of current instructional technologies and learn how to integrate these technologies into their practice using research-driven theoretical frameworks. This online course models effective virtual teaching methods that can be utilized in hybrid and fully online environments. Students will design technology-rich instructional modules that can be utilized to improve student learning in their content areas, as well as develop personal learning networks that will continue to provide them with informal and independent learning opportunities well after the conclusion of the course. | Instructional Technology in PK-12 Environments | 2 |
Graduate courses
Course | Title | Hours |
Required courses | ||
EDUS 607 EDUS 607. Advanced Educational Psychology. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, hybrid or face-to-face). 3 credits. Application of the principles of psychology to the teaching-learning process. Discussion will focus on the comprehensive development of individual learning experiences and educational programs from the point of view of the PK-12 educator and administrator. | Advanced Educational Psychology | 3 |
EDUS 673 EDUS 673. Democracy, Equity and Ethics in Education. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. This course is designed to engage participants in a critical exploration of education issues and inequities within sociocultural, historical and philosophical contexts. Students will examine the relationship between an increasingly diverse society and democracy in education. The course will also develop strategies for participants to understand the ethical obligations of educational professionals and to become active agents for democratic, equity-oriented schools. | Democracy, Equity and Ethics in Education | 3 |
TEDU 537 TEDU 537. Inclusive Curriculum in Secondary Schools. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. Studies the background and objectives of the contemporary secondary school; basic issues, current trends and practices in curriculum construction and instructional planning are examined with an emphasis on the inclusion of students with different abilities and disabilities. | Inclusive Curriculum in Secondary Schools | 3 |
TEDU 547 TEDU 547. Teaching Secondary School Social Studies. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. Examines demands involved in secondary social studies instruction; preparatory approaches to using academic and professional insights in confronting the demands; formulating and implementing appropriate methodological approaches. | Teaching Secondary School Social Studies (fall only) | 3 |
TEDU 552 TEDU 552. Methods for Teaching Multilingual Learners. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. Provides students who plan to teach people whose native language is not English with a variety of instructional/learning strategies. Presents and explores current approaches and methodology, as these relate to linguistic features and pedagogy. Crosslisted as: ENGL 552/LING 552. | Methods for Teaching Multilingual Learners | 3 |
TEDU 562 TEDU 562. Reading Instruction in the Content Areas. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. Prepares teachers to apply skills and methods of reading instruction to content areas in elementary, middle and secondary school curricula. Includes theoretical bases and methodology for incorporating reading skills and strategies within content areas of instruction. | Reading Instruction in the Content Areas | 3 |
TEDU 588 TEDU 588. Classroom Management. 3 Hours.
Semester course; 3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 3 credits. Designed to assist teachers in becoming effective classroom managers. Emphasis on application of classroom management, motivational and instructional theories. Models of classroom management explored; personal management plans developed. | Classroom Management | 3 |
Clinical experience (spring only) | ||
TEDU 672 TEDU 672. Internship. 4 Hours.
Semester course; 4 hours. 4 credits. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits. Prerequisites: passing scores on Praxis II examination and Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment and permission of adviser. Study and integration of theory with practice in clinical or off-campus settings supervised by an approved professional and university faculty. May include seminars, selected readings, projects and other activities designed and evaluated by supervising faculty. | Internship | 4 |
TEDU 674 TEDU 674. Internship II. 1-6 Hours.
Semester course; full time, eight weeks. 1-6 credits. Prerequisites: passing scores on Praxis II examination and Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment and permission of adviser. Study and integration of theory with practice in clinical or off-campus settings supervised by an approved professional and university faculty member. May include seminars, selected readings, projects and other activities designed and evaluated by supervising faculty. | Internship II | 5 |
TEDU 681 TEDU 681. Investigations and Trends in Teaching. 1-3 Hours.
Semester course; 1-3 lecture hours (delivered online, face-to-face or hybrid). 1-3 credits. May be repeated for a maximum of nine credits. A course designed to familiarize educational professionals with recent trends and developments in course content, strategies for organizing learning experiences and presenting material. Laboratory experience may be incorporated where appropriate. Students must contact their adviser for information regarding which section to register for based on their program. | Investigations and Trends in Teaching (must be taken concurrently with TEDU 672 TEDU 672. Internship. 4 Hours.
Semester course; 4 hours. 4 credits. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits. Prerequisites: passing scores on Praxis II examination and Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment and permission of adviser. Study and integration of theory with practice in clinical or off-campus settings supervised by an approved professional and university faculty. May include seminars, selected readings, projects and other activities designed and evaluated by supervising faculty. TEDU 674. Internship II. 1-6 Hours.
Semester course; full time, eight weeks. 1-6 credits. Prerequisites: passing scores on Praxis II examination and Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment and permission of adviser. Study and integration of theory with practice in clinical or off-campus settings supervised by an approved professional and university faculty member. May include seminars, selected readings, projects and other activities designed and evaluated by supervising faculty. | 3 |
Total Hours | 33 |
The minimum number of graduate credit hours required for this degree is 33.
The VCU Bulletin is the official source for academic course and program information.
The School of Education (SOE) degree programs that lead to professional licensure are designed to prepare students to meet the requirements for professional licensure in the Commonwealth of Virginia as outlined by the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE). The SOE has determined that the curriculum includes applicable educational prerequisites for the following professional licensure(s) and/or certification(s) as outlined on this page of our website.