Gerron Scott: SOE program aligns with growth goals

Originally from Providence, Rhode Island, Gerron Scott is an undergraduate academic advisor in the VCU Department of Biology. He earned both his undergraduate degree (science) and master's degree (counseling. college student affairs) from the University of West Georgia. Scott was recently named the 2019-20 recipient of the College of Humanities and Sciences Leadership in Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Award. He is currently pursuing his doctoral degree in the VCU School of Education's Ph.D. in Education, Concentration in Educational Leadership, Policy and Justice program.

Headshot of Gerron Scott, undergraduate academic advisor in the VCU Department of Biology.
SOE doctoral student Gerron Scott.

What led you to pursue a doctoral degree in education?

As I spent more time exploring biases and other topics related to student success, I realized that I wanted to be in a position to better understand the topics I was reading about and presenting on. I wanted to be one of the people researching and writing about the issues that impact African American students. This led me to look into Ph.D. programs, and SOE's Educational Leadership, Policy & Justice program matched perfectly with my goals.

Is there anyone who inspired you to pursue study in this field?

My family. I have a very strong support system who have always encouraged me to pursue my dreams. Even when I am scared, they are in my corner motivating me and letting me know that I am worthy and capable of amazing things. Outside of my family, interacting with African American students also inspired me. There is somehow still so much to learn about the way African Americans are viewed and treated on campuses.

What has impressed you most about your program so far?

The friendliness of the faculty, staff and students. People want to see others succeed, and learning in a place like that is empowering.

Any tips for students who are considering study in your program at VCU SOE?

Do not let the imposter syndrome stand in the way of your dreams. You are capable and deserving of a spot in the program.

Anything else that you would like to add?

Trust the process and enjoy the journey.